Blog - His Chase

We Need a Cleanup Crew!

Written by Chelsea Jacobs | August 4, 2019 at 11:00 PM

In late spring, many of us experienced the damaging winds of a local storm that brought considerable damage to our front doors.  Strong trees were uprooted in seconds, and debris lay strewn across every yard and street.  As I watched neighbors come together to load broken limbs, tree roots, and scattered branches into large piles along the sidewalks, I was struck with how quickly chaos ensued, and how much damage could be done in minutes!  A few days later, large trucks with a hard-working cleanup crew came through to sweep away the piles, and within a week, many streets looked as if nothing had happened--the extent of the damage suddenly unrecognizable!  Yet, those who endured the loss of trees they had come to know and admire, still know the loss.  They feel the damage that was done and they know how long it will take to grow new trees, to establish new roots.  

I often feel the same way with the beautiful, resilient kids we serve at His Chase.  Every single one of them has endured storms that make our rainstorm look like nothing.  They have had their lives uprooted, enduring damage and loss and trauma and chaos.  Yet, now, when you look at their smiles, their achievements, their spirits---if you didn't know how the debris was strewn before, you wouldn't know that anything was damaged.  They are brilliant, they endure, they dream, they worship, they dance. 

Yet, still...there is still a growing process going on that might be invisible to the naked eye.  What an opportunity we have to be a part of the rebuilding process though!  New roots are being established and that is a mighty act of God!  New growth---more than we ever thought possible--is happening!  And, while there is still pain and loss in their lives, they are truly the perfect examples of Psalm 1:  "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does, he prospers!"

But, this is the deal.  The cleanup and replanting process is more complicated than when a tree has fallen in a front yard.  When it's a soul, a person, a future leader---the cost is high, and the results are even greater.  We need more people on our cleanup crew.  That's the bottom line.  We need more people to ban together, like my neighbors did the week the storm hit.  They were there to do WHATEVER IT TOOK to bring each home to safety and order and beauty again.  Will you be one of those neighbors for our His Chase kids?  Yes, it takes sacrifice.  Yes, it takes giving.  But, I can't begin to tell you what domino effect you kickstart when you give a little to something so near to the heart of God.  He cares SO MUCH about the restoration and renewal of LIVES.  He says over and over again that joining Him in caring for orphans and vulnerable people BRINGS LIFE and unleashes blessing.  

We aren't worried, because it always comes, but we simply ask for you to join our cleanup crew.  We need more help.  We need more people who will give even $20 or $50 or $100 toward our most vulnerable kids---those who don't have a sponsor walking through life with them.  Because the truth is, they are all being restored in miraculous ways, because they are living and breathing and learning in places that give them strength and hope and dignity.  These places where they learn and live MATTER SO MUCH.  They are life-giving, root-building, places of order and not chaos.  These schools and churches where they learn and worship are giving them new life, and are more important than words on this page can convey.

We are officially launching our annual summer campaign for our unsponsored students and additional university costs for our scholarly students, and we would love you to join us.  We need a total of $33,250 BUT HALF OF THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PLEDGED AS A MATCHING GIFT!!  For every dollar donated toward this campaign, a generous group of anonymous donors will double that gift, up to $16,625!! Praise GOD for this blessing!  So, all we need is:

25 people to give $25

50 people to give $50.

10 people to give $100.

15 people to give $150.

25 people to give $250.

And, 5 people to give $500.

THIS IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE.  And we are believing God when He says that He is the source of strength and stability and new growth in the lives of these kids.  He WILL accomplish this financial goal.  And, these kids WILL continue to build roots by living water.  May it be so, Lord, may it be so!

Donate TODAY and be a part of this good work.  You will be blessed abundantly for doing so!