Blog - His Chase

A Story of Success

Written by Chelsea Jacobs | August 9, 2017 at 1:55 PM

Stop what you're doing and read this blog. Because this story paints a perfect picture of what His Chase is all about.  We are in an exciting season for this ministry, as we officially celebrate the final months of our FIFTH year of the education program and the SEVENTH year of His Chase Foundation's existence.

Do you know what makes these markers worth celebrating? The students we serve, and their amazing accomplishments.  It is in their achievements that we realize the full impact of education sponsorship, and the power it has to alter the course of these students' futures.

Today I tell you the story of Eric and Emmanuel. {And I show you the AMAZING photography of our own Claver!}

When we began our partnership with Noel Orphanage for educating the school-age children who lived there, we enrolled all students in elementary, middle, and highschool levels.  However, we quickly discovered that there were also students who had finished highschool, who were living at Noel, unable to attend university, for no other reason but the financial ability to go.  When Claver told us that Eric and Emmanuel had scored in the highest range possible on the national exam upon graduation from highschool, and were just waiting for an opportunity to continue their studies, we knew we had to immediately begin a university program for them, as well as for others in their situation.  

Eric and Emmanuel were faithful servants to His Chase, in our newly-formed stage, as they spent their first few months tutoring our younger students, who were far behind academically,  They helped MANY students improve in a variety of subjects, as well as develop study habits and the discipline needed to join these boarding schools around Rwanda.  Eric and Emmanuel were some of the most helpful, dependable young men, and we were impressed by their willingness to serve and work hard.  

At the same time that the boys began helping His Chase, we had been introduced to--and began partnering with--a rather new university, LivingStone International University in Mbale, Uganda.  We had many good friends in America who were involved in the development and leadership of this university and we were thrilled to see a high-quality, Christian university successfully launch an incredible program in Uganda, offering degrees that would be internationally-recognized, and shared our goals of transforming lives through Christ-centered education.  

We quickly knew that this was the place for Eric and Emmanuel to begin their university education.  This was the first time these two young men would leave Rwanda.  And this was the first time we would launch students into full-time university campuses away from home.   So, it took trust and steps of faith from both His Chase AND these students!

Words cannot describe how much these two have excelled in their four years at LIU.  Not only did they succeed academically every single semester, but they also quickly established themselves as leaders on campus, receiving honors from faculty, and important positions of leadership among their peers.  They have paved the way for other His Chase students to join the LIU family, and have helped each year as new students join them from Rwanda.  They have made a difference in every way at every stage of their education, and we couldn't be prouder of them both.

And, it was with great joy that we celebrated their graduation this summer! Our His Chase staff--Jane, Peter, and Claver--traveled to Uganda for the grand occasion, and proudly represented His Chase at the ceremonies.  Claver did an incredible job as our photographer and videographer, capturing every moment of the celebration!  Oh, the smiles say it all!

After the graduation weekend was complete, we got to surprise these incredible students with their VERY FIRST FLIGHT EVER, as we arranged to secretly fly them home to Rwanda, rather than the usual two-day bus ride they so willingly endure. :)  

And, they didn't know that the celebration was STILL not over!  When they returned to Rwanda, they were greeted by our other His Chase university students at the airport, and then given a HUGE Rwandan party and feast with their brothers and sisters at Auntie Jane and Peter's home!

We are so proud of these young men, who have not only received a bachelor's degree with honors, but have also proven over these years, their terrific ability to lead, serve, think deeply, dream BIG, and encourage their fellow His Chase students in so many ways.  We look forward to seeing what is next for Eric and Emmanuel, as they go out from their His Chase days, launching into the world to change it for the better!

THIS, my friends, is what sponsorship does.  It provides the powerful springboard to unleash these young men and women to follow the path God has planned for them, so that the world around them is changed and made better for the future of themselves, their families, and their communities.  THANK YOU for making that possible!