Blog - His Chase

A $50,000 Back-to-School Question

Written by Chelsea Jacobs | August 21, 2014 at 5:57 PM

Maybe you will read these words today from your home, where your children are enjoying the last few free days of summer.  Or, maybe you'll be reading on your mobile device, as you dart from store to store, gathering supplies for the busy back-to-school season.

Either way, if you have children, teach children, or know children, there is one thing on most minds during these weeks: SCHOOL!  And if they're like my children, they may have their eye on a brand new backpack, pencil pouch or lunchbox they hope to select in the coming days.

As you shop for school supplies this month, we have a $50,000 question for you to consider.

With all that we've been given as American families, and with all that we will spend during this back-to-school season, we would love for you and your children to consider matching your spending, in order to provide for an unsponsored His Chase student in Rwanda.  

Would you add us to your back-to-school list?

While we're talking school supplies, did you know the average family in America will spend between $600 and $800 for back to school shopping? 

Even if we broke that number down per child and said a family spent $100 to $200 for supplies alone, do you know what that kind of matching gift could do for the His Chase program?

I'll tell you...

It would allow all 60 children to receive what they need for the rest of this school year.

As our children begin school in America, the students in Rwanda are entering their last term. To be honest, this is always the point in the year when we are struggling to cover the costs of our Unsponsored Students. These children still need committed finanical sponsors, or have had sponsors in the past, but for a variety of reasons, those families have not been able to finish the year's costs.

The Unsponsored Children's Fund allows those who do not have a committed financial sponsor, or who have lost their sponsor,  to still be in high quality schools, receiving the same physical, emotional, and spiritual care that all other His Chase students receive.  Thanks to the generous one-time gifts of donors, these students are not left behind and can enjoy the same benefits of all other students in our program.

So, as you shop and prepare for school in America, we ask you the $50,000 back-to-school question: Can you support our Unsponsored Children with a one-time matching gift?

If 250 families matched their school supply spending at $200, the $50,000 question would be answered and the Unsponsored Children Fund need would be met.

Not only will this bless the future of our students, but it will certainly increase the dollar value of that new backpack or brightly colored pencil case. In addition, a gift given as a family decision, is guaranteed to help your children recognize and remember the blessing of a new school year.  When they choose to bless others, in response to the blessings they have received, there is heart change that occurs for everyone involved.

Do you need one more reason to give? Here it is. For every family who gives any donation of $25 or more toward the Unsponsored Children Fund in August, we will be giving a few school supplies of our own! 'Cause who doesn't love a His Chase multi-color click pen and highlighter?